Installing and running RapidSMS Rwanda

Basic Environment Setup

If you’re already familiar with working on python/Django projects, you’ll likely be able to skip this section. The following steps walk you through the first steps of setting up python, i.e. basic package management and development environments. This allows you to more easily install the dependencies for RapidSMS-Rwanda, while keeping your base installation of python clean. This assumes that you already have python installed.

Install easy_install (if necessary):

$ wget
$ python

Install pip (if necessary):

$ easy_install pip

Set up virtualenv, a tool for creating isolated python environments (to keep your dependencies seperate and in local user space, rather than in /usr/):

$ pip install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper

Configure virtualenv. First, create a folder to organize all your virtual environments within:

$ mkdir ~/virtualenvs

Append to ~/.bashrc:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

Make the virtual environment:

$ mkvirtualenv rwanda

Installing RapidSMS-rwanda

First, clone the project directly:

$ git clone git://

You can then install the dependencies:

$ pip install -r pip-requires.txt

Configuring RapidSMS-Rwanda

The following parameters need to be set in order to get RapidSMS-Rwanda up-and-running from a base install.

First, edit rapidsms.ini and add the basic configuration parameters. Yours may vary, depending on what sort of database you have, what you want to name it, your time zone, etc.:


# Revence thinks this is necessary.
BASE_TEMPLATE=layout.html  # This needed to be added

To apps, add patterns (this seemed to be missing upon syncdb):


Create the database:

$ sudo -u postgres createdb rwanda


$ python syncdb

Load in essential fixtures:

$ python loaddata fosa_location_types groups reminder_types reporting